Or, as a recent review States, "from a practical standpoint, the marginal benefits of reducing human exposure to pesticides in the diet through increased consumption of organic produce appear to be insignificant." 或者,如最近的一份评论所说,“从实用的角度来说,通过增加有机产品的消费来减少人们在饮食中接触农药所带来的边际效益显得微乎其微。”
Researchers say it has been shown to reverse the symptoms of diabetes in mice as well as reducing the impact of a high-fat diet. 研究人员称,已经证实该物可以消除老鼠的糖尿病症状和减少高脂食物造成的影响。
Getting plenty of sleep, reducing stress and eating a diet high in vitamins and minerals can also help. 除此之外,保证睡眠充足、减轻压力以及保持富含维他命及矿物质的饮食也对此有所帮助。
For years it's been part of accepted medical wisdom: reducing salt in your diet will lower your blood pressure, which will lower your risk of heart attack and stroke. 多年来,医学上一直使用着一句至理名言:少吃盐有助于降低血压,从而也就可以降低心脏病发作和中风的风险。
A new study casts doubt on the merits of reducing salt in our diet. 一项新的研究将矛头指向了低盐饮食的后果。
Therapy includes: reducing stress, creating more dilute urine ( wet diet and free access to water) and medications. 治疗如下:减低紧迫、使尿稀释(湿饲料和供应足够清水)及药物。
Chronic exposure to reducing sugars due to diabetes, aging, and diet can permanently modify extracellular matrix ( ECM) proteins. 糖尿病、年龄老化、饮食等因素可使机体还原性糖含量增加。
A reasonable timeline for reducing body weight by 10% is 6 months, using a reduced-calorie diet. 一个合理的时间长度是通过6个月实现减重10%,通过低热量饮食来实现。
The expert announces drop we: Take medicine reducing weight to must be united in wedlock be on a diet, motion just can achieve first-rate result reducing weight. 专家告戒我们:服用减肥药必须结合节食、运动方可达到最佳的减肥效果。
The strongest evidence we have for reducing dementia risk is to eat a healthy, balanced diet, take moderate exercise, and keep cholesterol and blood pressure in check, particularly in mid-life. 降低老岁首呆症的风险,最强有力的证据,就是拥有健康、平衡的饮食,适度的行为,而且有用节制胆固醇和血压,出格是在中年时代。
Aim: To study the effects of weight reducing by operation combined with hypocaloric diet on plasm C reactive protein ( CRP) level in obese patients. 目的:研究手术减肥配合低热量饮食治疗对肥胖患者血清C反应蛋白(CRP)水平的影响。
Production of methane is the main factor of fermentation energy loss in ruminants. Reducing its production is very helpful to improve the energy efficiency of diet and protect environment. 反刍动物体内甲烷的产生是瘤胃发酵能损失的主要原因,减少甲烷产量对提高反刍动物的能量利用率和环境保护均具有重要意义。
Has obvious effect of reducing fat resulting from high-fat diet and its chemical components are endowed with the role of stimulating the expression of LDLR. 结论:烈洗对高脂饮食诱导的肥胖具有明显的治疗作用,其所含化学成分具有促进低密度脂蛋白受体表达的作用。
A synergism was observed between arsenic and fluoride on reducing the body weight of the rats; Results: 1. Experiment results showed that the body weight of the rats was of no difference among different diet groups. 砷与氟在对机体增长的抑制上呈协同作用;1、不同脂肪含量、脂肪组成的饮食,相同条件喂养大鼠,各组间体重无显著差异;
Early regular use of insulin to control blood sugar, reducing the use of other antidiabetic drugs, reasonable diet, and joint, adequate, regular use of anti-tuberculosis drugs in the early days all were able to enhance the efficacy of the two diseases. 应早期利用胰岛素正规治疗以有效控制血糖,减少其他降糖药物的使用,合理膳食,早期、联合、足量、规律使用抗结核药物,可提高两病的疗效。
The precocious puberty can be prevented by reducing the absorption of the hormone in the diet, keeping nutrition balanced, carrying on the appropriate movement, etc. 性早熟的预防可以采取减少饮食中激素的摄入、保持营养平衡、进行适度的运动等方法;
The experiments show that, red dates juice has a certain blood, reducing blood lipid and high fat diet induced atherosclerosis have a certain effect. 3. 通过试验表明,红枣汁具有有一定的补血、降低血脂以及对高脂膳食引起的动脉粥样硬化有一定的抑制作用。